Data Visualisation Tools

When we talk data visualisation here, I'll confess now I'm pretty much a novice but below are a bunch of tools if you want to experiment and have a play.
Flourish is a great one and relatively easy to use with the provided templates as a starting point. Airtable works for large datasets you want to display as a directory or with filters (and you can use Pory or Softr as the front end interface as they connect seamlessly).
Plus there's a bunch of other awesome tools like
  • Scimago Graphica for charting
  • Felt for map making
  • Coggle, Kumu and Xmins for mindmapping
  • Sketch and Concepts for sketching
  • and Sane to showcase idea gardens

Foresight Research Tools

  • Research Tools
  • OSINT Tools

Futures + Foresight Resources

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