Choosing your Scan Library Tech

Finding the right technology can be tough, especially if it's not really your jam. Whether you're building a personal horison scanning library, setting up or looking for a project solution . . .
Find the right tool for the job.
Get clear on your requirements
It's worth considering the platform's functionality in the early stages of choosing a platform; what's the balance between flexibility vs structure around tagging architecture, search capability & data portability.
Using Notion
Setting up a Foresight Scan Library with Notion. If you use Notion for work already, this might be a good option for your scan library to keep things in the one place with a tool you’re already familiar with.
Using Airtable
Whether you're setting up an internal horizon scanning workflow or building your own futures scan database, Airtable is a great option that offers dynamic, secure functionality.

Environmental Scanning Work

Foresight Research Tools

  • Research Tools
  • OSINT Tools

Futures + Foresight Resources

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